This is the highest honour that the global biomaterials community can bestow on outstanding scientists. He joins a group of fewer than 500 of the world’s most respected biomaterials scientists. The ceremony will take place at the World Biomaterials Congress (WBC2024) in Daegu, South Korea on May 27, 2024.
3 entradas
The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research distinguishes the work titled «Regeneración tisular ósea mediante implante de matriz obtenida por técnicas de ADN recombinante» from the authors Coletta DJ. Ibáñez Fonseca A, Missana LR, Bumaguin GE, Vitelli EJ, Garbino F, Zabalza F, Amavet C, Aimone M. Jammal MV, Alonso […]
Israel, a BIOFORGE PhD student was awarded in the E-MRS 2014 Fall Meeting (15-18 September, 2014 Warsaw, Poland).