Alicia Fernandez-Colino, recently won the first Prize for her oral presentation in the competition of the XIII GEP conference
Israel, a BIOFORGE PhD student was awarded in the E-MRS 2014 Fall Meeting (15-18 September, 2014 Warsaw, Poland).
His work entitled: “Development of Nanostructures and Highly Functional Systems with Complex Molecular Architecture Based on Elastin-Like Recombinamers” was carried out under the direction of Matilde Alonso Rodrigo and José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello. Best wishes Gui!
Congratulations to Alessandra for winning the first prize in the competition of the 6th International Meeting on Biotecnology!
Congratulations for winning the Second Prize in GEP’s Award of 2012 in the best PhD thesis competition of the Spanish Polymer Group “GEP” a division of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and the Spanish Royal Society of Physics. Her thesis titled “Stimuli-Responsive Systems Based on Elastin-Like Recombinamers for Biomedical […]