¿Do you know how scaffolds can be used to fix damaged heart tissue? Under the project of AngioMatTrain, the following video has been developed to explain to you the concept of cells, how a heart attack happens and how the developed scaffolds can be used to fix damage heart tissue. […]
BIOFORGE, from the UVA, design biomaterials able to induce the generation of new blood vessels within the framework of the ANGIOMAT European Project. The consoptium comprises entities from eight diferent countries and the initiative will be extended until 2017. Read the news in «El diario de Valladolid»
On July 11th, our student Mohammed Hamed Misbah presented his thesis named «Controlled Formation of Nanostructures Based on Elastin-like Recombinamers» It was carried out under the supervision of Prof. José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello and Prof. Luis Quintanilla Sierra. In his Thesis, Mohammed study the synergistic combination between multiple and outstanding properties stemmed […]
María Jesús Piña defended her thesis on the 24th of June. It was entitled «ELR-based nanocomplexes with potential biomedical uses». In her thesis, carried out under the supervision of Fco. Javier Arias Vallejo and José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello, she focused in the design and application of novel ELR nanocomplexes for drug and gene delivery. […]