Alicia’s thesis entitled «Thermosensitive injetable hydrogels with enhanced stability based on elastin, silk and leucine zipper motifs for tissue engineering and drug delivery applications», was carried out under the supervision of Matilde Alonso and Javier Arias. In her Thesis, Alicia explores the properties and applications of two new sequences of Elastin […]
This Net Zero Energy and Zero CO2 Emission Building is destined to shelter the laboratories and the research center of the University of Valladolid. It combines thorough bioclimatic design and use of renewable energies to respond to every energy need of the project. The energy mix includes biomass, photovoltaic solar […]
An international team of researchers from London, Israel, Portugal and Spain has made tubular protein-based structures that can be shaped into a network by manually pulling out new branches from existing tubes. The structure is based in one of the elastin-like proteins (ELP) created by the Bioforge group. It is self-healing and bioactive, […]
Last monday we were visited by the local TV channel «Radio televisión Castilla y León», and that’s how we show in the news on Saturday at 14:30 :