José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello

Dr. Rodríguez-Cabello is a full professor at the Dept. of Condensed Matter Physics of the University of Valladolid (UVa) Spain. During his career he has been teaching courses related to physics of polymers and biomaterials science in both undergraduate and graduate levels. In 1997, he founded BIOFORGE in the UVa, which nowadays is an internationally recognized and word leading group in the field of recombinamers. His current research interests include the development of biofunctional, smart and customized protein polymers towards obtaining advanced biomedical devices.

Prof. Rodríguez-Cabello is author of 152 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 13 book chapters, 350+ communications in international conferences and 9 patents as senior inventor. He has been invited to review manuscripts from different international journals and to routinely evaluate projects from numerous private and state funding agencies. Prof. Rodríguez-Cabello supervised 20 MSc, 23 PhD students, and 7 post-doctoral fellows. He has been part of a series of scientific societies and editorial boards of international journals. He has been coordinating or involved in many National and European research projects (managing 8+ million € for the last 10 years) and participated in the organization of scientific events in the area of polymer/materials science and biomaterials/tissue engineering. He has been member of scientific committees, organizing committees, referee and chairman in different international meetings. He has been invited to present 38 invited/keynote/plenary talks in international conferences including SIBB, World Polymer Congress, TERMIS, ESB, CESB, PEPMAT, LIAC or European Elastin Meeting.

Personal information and contact: CIBER-BBN