On February 19th, our student Sergio Acosta presented his thesis entitled «Self-assembling Nanosystems based on Elastin-like Recombinamers and Antimicrobial Peptides for Biomedical Applications», developed under the supervisión of Prof. José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello. Well Done Sergio! We wish you all the best!
On January 16th, our student Leander Poocza presented his thesis entitled «Accessing new Biomedical applications by combining genetic design and chemical modification of Elastin-like recombinamers», developed under the supervisión of Prof. José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello. Well Done Leander! We wish you all the best!
On November 19th, our student Doriana Orbanić presented her thesis entitled «MULTIFUNCTIONAL TUNABLE ELASTIN-LIKE RECOMBINAMER-BASED HYDROGELS CUSTOMIZED FOR NEOVASCULARISATION AND DYNAMIC CELL NICHE CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES», developed under the supervision of Prof. José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello and Prof. Matilde Alonso Rodrigo. The work presented results regarding the development of promising chemically […]
On October 4th, our student Filippo Cipriani presented his thesis entitled «ENGINEERING RESPONSIVE AND BIOMIMETIC MATERIAL BASED ON ELASTIN-LIKE RECOMBINAMERS FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATION» under the supervision of Prof. José Carlos Rodríguez Cabello and Prof. Israel González de Torre. In his Thesis, Filippo estudied the ELRs technology with its outstanding properties; the leitmotiv […]
We are very happy to know that our article “Protein disorder–order interplay to guide the growth of hierarchical mineralized structures” is the number 1 in the list of the 50 most read Nature Communications chemistry and materials science articles and within the top 50 out of 5.000 articles published at […]
Arturo Ibáñez Fonseca’s thesis entitled “Novel hydrogel-forming elastin like recombinamers for biomedical applications“ has been awarded Julia Polak European Doctorate Award by the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) in 2018 and, more recently, Extraordinary Doctorate Award by the University of Valladolid (UVa). Congratulations Arturo!